Zastupniki SEASON 1

Zastupniki SEASON 1

The plot of the series "Defenders" season 1

The first season of the series "Defenders" transports the viewer to 1966, at the time of the end of the Khrushchev thaw and the dawn of the Bar. No wonder so many young people dream of going to school and learning to become lawyers. Nina Metlitskaya, one of these dreamers, has to settle for a modest position in one of the consulting offices. But unexpectedly the protagonist gets lucky. She is offered a transfer from the suburbs to the "heart" of the capital, to a prestigious Moscow legal services office, considered the strongest in the USSR.

The protagonist of the first season of the series has to prove her legal skills and make her way into the elite of the legal profession. But for this it is necessary to win the trials. The protagonist of "Defenders" will protect a variety of people: from ordinary teenagers who have committed a robbery, to experienced gangsters who have destroyed many lives. Little by little, Nina will rise in her career, but the big question is at what price she will reach the top.

The filming process

The filming of the TV series took place in several cities: in Minsk, Tbilisi, Moscow and Podolsk. Set designers had a lot of work: they had to prepare Soviet-era posters, retro cars and much more. The archives of the Royal Court of the USSR were used to develop the script of the first season "Defenders". The literary basis of the series is the memoirs of the famous Soviet lawyer Dina Kaminskaya.

Actors in the series

Kirill Grebenshchikov, who played Boris in "Defenders", shared his impressions with journalists: "People of the sixties era differ from the citizens of the 21st century in many respects: from clothing to the speed of speech. And the director managed to convey everything accurately. The credit for the success of the film project goes to Vladimir Kott's professionalism.

Igor Gordin, who played the antagonist in the first season, said in an interview, "I had to embody on screen a character who thinks above all about building a brilliant career. He regularly gets in Nina's way and tries to thwart her. He is her main enemy. And the character becomes an enemy for a trivial reason: the girl's refusal to become a soul mate.

Interesting facts about the series "The Defenders" season 1

  • The TV series was created at the behest of Channel One.
  • Vladimir Kott is known to Russian cinephiles for his projects "The Fly," "The Frozen Tent" and "The Most Beautiful 2."
  • Prior to filming, the creators of the film project had to conduct an extensive study of historical materials and various legal documents from the Soviet Union era.

When is the new series planned?

At the moment, nothing is known about a sequel. There probably won't be one, as the creators have not mentioned a sequel. Although rumors of a sequel have circulated among movie fans.

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