Cardiologist names beverages that cause blood pressure to spike

 Cardiologist Shelekhov says tomato juice and green tea can cause spikes in blood pressure

Cardiologist names beverages that cause blood pressure to spike

Drinking beverages high in caffeine and salt increases blood pressure. A cardiologist, Violetta Shelekhova, told Doctor Peter on July 26.

He explained that salt retains water in the body, causing swelling and increased blood pressure. For this reason, people with hypertension should avoid store-bought tomato juice. This drink is good for the heart due to lycopene, but its high salt content is detrimental to overall health.

Beverages containing caffeine should also be avoided to prevent blood pressure surges.

"Coffee and green tea. They cause a short-term but noticeable increase in blood pressure for people susceptible to hypertension, especially those who already have hypertension"-the doctor warned.

Energy drinks also pose a risk. If they are drunk every day, blood pressure can rise abruptly to dangerous levels.

Earlier, on July 18, cardiologist Yuri Serebryansky spoke about the causes of stroke in young people. According to him, the most common causes are hereditary predisposition, cholesterol disorders, hypertension and diabetes.

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